Automatic SSH Proxy

Isn't it annoying to set up a SOCKS Proxy? I don't think it's kind to humans.

I want to skip it.

This software will automatically route some of the requests from your browser (Firefox) through the SOCKS Proxy.

Only support Firefox on Windows 10 or later.

This software is based on Native Messaging. You need to install and use the software on both your browser and OS.

Browser extension

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Native component

Get Native component (SSH Host)

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Motivation and Features

There are various reasons to use a proxy server for browsing web pages. For example, to use a VPN for security purposes or to use an internal proxy to connect to a company's network. However, these configurations can be cumbersome and may require expensive solutions. Additionally, when using a VPN, all traffic on the PC is routed through the proxy server, which may not always be desirable.

SOCKS proxy is one method to allow only browser communications to pass through a proxy server. Unlike typical VPNs, it is possible to use the proxy without special network equipment as long as the network is capable of TCP/IP communication. OpenSSH, a standard SSH implementation, has a feature to use a SOCKS proxy, and those who can use OpenSSH can use it for free.

Figure of Directly Connection. Client (Your Firefox) connects web pages directly (via HTTP/HTTPS connections).
Usually Firefox communicates directly with the web server via HTTP or HTTPS.
Overview of connections via SOCKS Proxy. Your Firefox communicates with web pages via SSH client and SSH server. You need to set up an SSH connection manually from a shell. Only one SSH server can be used as a proxy.
SSH client is used as SOCKS Server, and Firefox communicates via SSH Server.

The above figure shows a typical configuration using a SOCKS proxy. First, you open a shell and start the SSH client to establish an SSH connection. At this time, you enable the SOCKS option flag and make the SSH client work as a SOCKS server. Then, you change the settings in Firefox to communicate through the SOCKS proxy. Such configuration is cumbersome and, since only one SSH server can be used, you need to change the settings every time you want to use a different SSH server.

I don't think it's kind to humans.

Overview of Automatic SSH Proxy
Automatic SSH Proxy automates the configuration of SOCKS proxy and performs automatic routing of multiple proxies using pattern matching.

Automatic SSH Proxy automates the configuration of SOCKS proxy, eliminating the need for users to manually set it up. Once the configuration is done, the plugin will establish an SSH connection automatically, and Firefox will communicate through the SOCKS proxy seamlessly. Additionally, Automatic SSH Proxy uses pattern matching to select the appropriate SSH server when multiple servers are available. Of course, it is also possible to configure it to connect directly without using a proxy.

Figure of Directly Connection
Automatic proxy enables virtual on browser routing

Automatic SSH Proxy's automatic proxy enables virtual on-browser routing. By preparing SSH servers that can connect to remote private networks and setting up appropriate matching patterns, it automatically routes browser communications securely. It allows flexible configuration using network specifications in CIDR notation and pattern matching with wildcards. With this, you can utilize a remote private network as if it were available locally, ensuring security and convenience without the need for complex network infrastructure.

This plugin is useful in the following situations: